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You Should Be Excited to Read the Bible.

Because the Gospel is proclaimed throughout it.

Most Christians don’t realize that the Bible is an exciting energetic story about the Gospel. So Bible Unbound helps people get excited about the Bible by uncovering the Gospel in every biblical story.


The Bible should be epic.

The Bible should point us to Jesus.

The Bible should lead to greater community.


That’s Why By Funding The Mission You…

Allow Us To Clarify The Bible By Creating More, Higher Quality, Gospel-Centered Content (like the Story of Abraham)

Help Communities Get the Bible Right By Seeing How the Gospel Plays a Role in Every Story (like the Story of Genesis)

Inspire a Generation of Gospel-Centered Missions Through Creative, Innovative, Storytelling (like the Story of Paul)



A Win-Win Support:

I am a huge advocate of reading (don’t worry, audiobooks count too!) and equipping you to be a Bible-explorer. That is why I have partnered with to bring you the best resources available in Christianity today. Each purchase goes to supporting Bible Unbound. Please use the navigation buttons bellow to access these incredible resources. Find my favorite books and study materials, or search for your own using the special Bible Unbound links below: